Bohemia Farmstudio (Vysoká 26, 277 24 Vysoká, Kokořínsko, Czech)
28.09. – 30.11. 2024
Christ as gardener is a mistake. According to the Gospel of St. John (John 20:11-17), Mary Magdalene went to the tomb of Jesus Christ but did not find his body. Instead, she saw a man she thought was the gardener, but it was none other than the risen Christ. The author took inspiration from Mary Magdalene's mistake and created a fictional character experiencing a similar story to Christ of Nazareth, but in a completely different way. The paintings do not follow the traditional Christian narrative, but present their own storyline, which is only inspired by the traditional one. The cycle of twelve paintings on canvas is accompanied by gardening tools that (because of their characteristic fragility) can only be used by Christ Gardener. The installation also includes an altar triptych dedicated to the Virgin Mary among the Apostles.
Bohemia Farmstudio
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